Global Weather Extremes
In the last 24 hours up to 14/12/2024 at 04:00 UTC ~ 14/12/2024 at 15:00 AEDT
Some Data ( Like Wind or Rain ) may not be supplied ( by some Countries ) or timely ( due to midnight ) available for some Locations. |
Maximum Temperatures
No. | Location | Station ID | Max Temp |
1 | Julia Creek (Australia) | 94337 |
43.5°C |110.3°F
2 | Urandangi Aerodrome (Australia) | 94344 |
42.6°C |108.7°F
3 | Jervois (Australia) | 94327 |
42.4°C |108.3°F
4 | Birdsville Airport (Australia) | 95482 |
42.3°C |108.1°F
5 | Oodnadatta Airport (Australia) | 94476 |
42.2°C |108.0°F
6 | Winton Airport (Australia) | 94342 |
42°C |107.6°F
7 | Windorah Airport (Australia) | 94489 |
41.8°C |107.2°F
8 | Camooweal (Australia) | 94255 |
41.4°C |106.5°F
9 | Tarcoola (Australia) | 94655 |
41.4°C |106.5°F
10 | Ballera Gas Field (Australia) | 95487 |
41.3°C |106.3°F
Minimum Temperatures
No. | Location | Station ID | Min Temp |
1 | Liawenee (Australia) | 95959 |
-0.9°C |30.4°F
2 | Mount Wellington (Australia) | 95979 |
1.2°C |34.2°F
3 | Mount Read (Australia) | 95952 |
2.2°C |36.0°F
4 | Macquarie Island (Australia) | 94998 |
3.4°C |38.1°F
5 | Tunnak Fire Station (Australia) | 94960 |
3.7°C |38.7°F
6 | Hartz Mountains (Australia) | 94977 |
4.1°C |39.4°F
7 | Tarraleah (Australia) | 95970 |
4.9°C |40.8°F
8 | Pound Creek (Australia) | 94886 |
5.2°C |41.4°F
9 | Goldstream Aws (Australia) | 94864 |
5.5°C |41.9°F
10 | Mt Hotham Airport (Australia) | 94905 |
5.5°C |41.9°F
Highest Average Temperatures
No. | Location | Station ID | Avg. Hi Temp |
1 | Oodnadatta Airport (Australia) | 94476 |
34.7°C |94.5°F
2 | Ballera Gas Field (Australia) | 95487 |
34.3°C |93.7°F
3 | Yulara Aws (Australia) | 94462 |
34.2°C |93.6°F
4 | Julia Creek (Australia) | 94337 |
34.1°C |93.4°F
5 | Thargomindah Airport (Australia) | 95492 |
34.1°C |93.4°F
6 | Wanaaring - borrona Downs Aws (Australia) | 94407 |
33.6°C |92.5°F
7 | Warburton Airfield (Australia) | 94457 |
33.5°C |92.3°F
8 | Wulungurru (Australia) | 94321 |
33.5°C |92.3°F
9 | Windorah Airport (Australia) | 94489 |
33.5°C |92.3°F
10 | Birdsville Airport (Australia) | 95482 |
33.4°C |92.1°F
Lowest Average Temperatures
No. | Location | Station ID | Avg. Lo Temp |
1 | Mount Wellington (Australia) | 95979 |
4.3°C |39.7°F
2 | Mount Read (Australia) | 95952 |
4.7°C |40.5°F
3 | Macquarie Island (Australia) | 94998 |
5.6°C |42.1°F
4 | Hartz Mountains (Australia) | 94977 |
6.1°C |43.0°F
5 | Liawenee (Australia) | 95959 |
7.4°C |45.3°F
6 | Warra (Australia) | 95962 |
9.2°C |48.6°F
7 | Butlers Gorge (Australia) | 94959 |
9.3°C |48.7°F
8 | Scotts Peak Dam (Australia) | 95958 |
10°C |50.0°F
9 | Tunnak Fire Station (Australia) | 94960 |
11.3°C |52.3°F
10 | Mt Baw Baw (Australia) | 95901 |
11.5°C |52.7°F
Rain Totals
No. | Location | Station ID | Max Rain |
1 | Samuel Hill Aero (Australia) | 94370 |
64 mm |2.52 in
2 | Noonamah Airstrip (Australia) | 94105 |
54 mm |2.13 in
3 | Lady Elliot Island (Australia) | 94388 |
47 mm |1.85 in
4 | Hervey Bay Airport (Australia) | 95565 |
37 mm |1.46 in
5 | Karijini North (Australia) | 94330 |
37 mm |1.46 in
6 | Hamilton Island (Australia) | 94368 |
36 mm |1.42 in
7 | Cooktown Airport (Australia) | 95283 |
35 mm |1.38 in
8 | Laverton Aws (Australia) | 94449 |
34 mm |1.34 in
9 | Murganella Airstrip (Australia) | 94109 |
32 mm |1.26 in
10 | Paynes Find (Australia) | 94404 |
28 mm |1.10 in
Maximum Wind Gusts
No. | Location | Station ID | Max Gust |
No Wind Gust Data Supplied for Australia At This Time |
Warning: Many data filters have been introduced to the above data. Use caution with this data as some extreme values can be erroneous due to unsuspected errors in synop reports. All data should be verified. Note that the values we listed here are from international released synop reports, and for certain there will be other extreme values not in this list. |
Script courtesy of : Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet
Amended by Mapantz of Wareham Weather and Tony of Beaumaris Weather and Scott of Foresthill Weather.