Beaumaris - Solunar - Best Fishing Times - Calculator

Change Day/Month/Year as desired


Preset Location : Beaumaris Beach

A bit of Fun, Change Dates to see the Best Fishing Days for selected area, or change the Latitude, Longitude (use map below to find) and Time Zone Offset to your desired location.

: Year (yyyy)

: Month (m)

: Day (d)

Default (Lat/Lng) : Beaumaris Beach
(change if you wish)

: Latitude (-/South)

: Longitude (-/West)

: Time Zone offset (+/-)UTC

Solunar Data for : Saturday: 27 - Apr - 2024

rise = 18:56 transit = 2:06 set = 10:08
Phase is waning gibbous, 77.3% illuminated, 18.2 days since new.

rise = 6:51 transit = 12:04 set = 17:18

Minor Periods
9:38 - 11:08
18:26 - 19:56

Major Periods
1:36 - 4:06
0:00 - 0:00

Daily Fishing Action Rating

The selected Day's action is rated a ( 2 )
(scale is 0 thru 5, 5 is the best)

Please Note: Although the above information is based on Solunar Calculations, it does not take into account the effects of weather conditions on that day. This information is provided purely as as bit of fun, the same as going fishing, it's fun and lucky if you throw in a line and reel back a fish.

Find Latitude and Longitude

Note: Use mouse to scroll (zoom in/out) on map anywhere in the world and click once anywhere on Map for a popup which will display Latitude/Longitude and Elevation ( in metres ) for the selected Location.