day | 17 |
dayname | Monday |
shortdayname | Mon |
month | 02 |
monthname | February |
shortmonthname | Feb |
year | 2025 |
shortyear | 25 |
date | 17/02/2025 |
metdate | 17/02/2025 |
hour | 05 |
minute | 30 |
timehhmm | 05:30 |
time | 05:30 on 17 February 2025 |
timehhmmss | 05:30:00 |
timeUTC | 18:30 on 16 February 2025 |
yesterday | 16/02/2025 |
metdateyesterday | 16/02/2025 |
tempunit | °C |
tempunitnodeg | C |
temptrend | -0.5 |
temptrendenglish | Falling |
temptrendtext | Falling |
TempRecordSet | 0 |
intemp | 17.6 |
RCintemp | |
temp | 8.0 |
RCtemp | |
RecentOutsideTemp | 8.0 |
RCRecentOutsideTemp | |
avgtemp | 9.3 |
avgtempY | 13.9 |
TempAvg24Hrs | 12.6 |
TempChangeLastHour | +0.5 |
temprange | 4.1 |
temprangeY | 9.3 |
TempChangeDownAlarm | 0 |
TempChangeUpAlarm | 0 |
TEMPERATURE:- Low - High |
tempTL | 7.4 |
tempTH | 11.4 |
TtempTL | 04:16 |
TtempTH | 00:46 |
RCtempTL | |
RCtempTH | |
tempYL | 10.1 |
tempYH | 19.3 |
TtempYL | 05:32 |
TtempYH | 12:02 |
MonthTempL | 7.4 |
MonthTempH | 37.7 |
MonthTempLT | 4:16 AM |
MonthTempHT | 4:17 PM |
MonthTempLD | 17 February |
MonthTempHD | 04 February |
MonthLowDailyTempRange | 3.7 |
MonthHighDailyTempRange | 22.1 |
MonthLowDailyTempRangeD | 08 February |
MonthHighDailyTempRangeD | 04 February |
MonthMaxTempL | 18.7 |
MonthMinTempH | 21.2 |
MonthMaxTempLD | 15 February |
MonthMinTempHD | 13 February |
ByMonthLowDailyTempRange | 2.3 |
ByMonthHighDailyTempRange | 24.4 |
ByMonthLowDailyTempRangeT | on 10 February 2020 |
ByMonthHighDailyTempRangeT | on 13 February 2024 |
ByMonthTempL | 6.2 |
MonthMinTempH | 21.2 |
ByMonthTempLT | at 05:24 on 04 February 2020 |
ByMonthMinTempHT | at 07:00 on 13 February 2025 |
ByMonthMaxTempL | 14.3 |
ByMonthTempH | 37.7 |
ByMonthMaxTempLT | at 15:13 on 19 February 2020 |
ByMonthTempHT | at 16:17 on 04 February 2025 |
YearTempL | 7.3 |
YearTempH | 37.7 |
YearTempLT | 2:21 AM |
YearTempHT | 4:17 PM |
YearTempLD | 01 January |
YearTempHD | 04 February |
YearLowDailyTempRange | 3.7 |
YearHighDailyTempRange | 22.1 |
YearLowDailyTempRangeD | 08 February |
YearHighDailyTempRangeD | 04 February |
YearMaxTempL | 18.7 |
YearMinTempH | 21.2 |
YearMaxTempLD | 15 February |
YearMinTempHD | 13 February |
LowDailyTempRange | 0.8 |
HighDailyTempRange | 28.5 |
TLowDailyTempRange | on 13 October 2022 |
THighDailyTempRange | on 30 December 2019 |
tempL | -0.9 |
tempH | 40.5 |
TtempL | at 05:29 on 26 July 2021 |
TtempH | at 14:23 on 30 December 2019 |
maxtempL | 10.1 |
mintempH | 21.2 |
TmaxtempL | at 13:41 on 18 July 2022 |
mintempH | at 07:00 on 13 February 2025 |
LowTempAlarm | 0 |
HighTempAlarm | 0 |
LowTempRecordSet | 0 |
HighTempRecordSet | 0 |
LowMaxTempRecordSet | 0 |
HighMinTempRecordSet | 0 |
LowTempRangeRecordSet | 0 |
HighTempRangeRecordSet | 0 |
TEMPERATURE:- Apparent |
apptemp | 6.7 |
| |
apptempL | -3.8 |
apptempH | 39.1 |
apptempTL | 5.4 |
apptempTH | 9.6 |
apptempYL | 6.3 |
apptempYH | 17.0 |
TapptempL | at 07:22 on 17 June 2020 |
TapptempH | at 14:30 on 30 December 2019 |
TapptempTL | 04:39 |
TapptempTH | 00:46 |
TapptempYL | 04:56 |
TapptempYH | 12:25 |
MonthAppTempL | 5.4 |
MonthAppTempH | 38.5 |
MonthAppTempLD | 17 February |
MonthAppTempHD | 04 February |
MonthAppTempLT | 4:39 AM |
MonthAppTempHT | 2:37 PM |
ByMonthAppTempL | 3.8 |
ByMonthAppTempH | 38.4 |
ByMonthAppTempLT | at 05:24 on 04 February 2020 |
ByMonthAppTempHT | at 14:36 on 04 February 2025 |
YearAppTempL | 5.1 |
YearAppTempH | 38.5 |
YearAppTempLD | 01 January |
YearAppTempHD | 04 February |
YearAppTempLT | 2:21 AM |
YearAppTempHT | 2:37 PM |
RCapptempTL | |
RCapptempTH | |
LowAppTempRecordSet | 0 |
HighAppTempRecordSet | 0 |
TEMPERATURE:- Feels Like |
feelslike | 8.0 |
| |
feelslikeL | -2.4 |
feelslikeH | 40.1 |
feelslikeTL | 7.0 |
feelslikeTH | 11.3 |
feelslikeYL | 8.2 |
feelslikeYH | 17.8 |
TfeelslikeL | at 07:22 on 17 June 2020 |
TfeelslikeH | at 14:30 on 30 December 2019 |
TfeelslikeTL | 04:39 |
TfeelslikeTH | 00:46 |
TfeelslikeYL | 04:56 |
TfeelslikeYH | 12:25 |
MonthFeelsLikeL | 7.0 |
MonthFeelsLikeH | 38.6 |
MonthFeelsLikeLD | 17 February |
MonthFeelsLikeHD | 04 February |
MonthFeelsLikeLT | 4:39 AM |
MonthFeelsLikeHT | 2:54 PM |
ByMonthFeelsLikeL | 6.2 |
ByMonthFeelsLikeH | 38.5 |
ByMonthFeelsLikeLT | at 06:49 on 21 February 2022 |
ByMonthFeelsLikeHT | at 14:40 on 04 February 2025 |
YearFeelsLikeL | 6.3 |
YearFeelsLikeH | 38.6 |
YearFeelsLikeLD | 01 January |
YearFeelsLikeHD | 04 February |
YearFeelsLikeLT | 2:21 AM |
YearFeelsLikeHT | 2:54 PM |
LowFeelsLikeRecordSet | 0 |
HighFeelsLikeRecordSet | 0 |
TEMPERATURE:- Wind Chill |
humidex | 8.0 |
| |
wchill | 8.0 |
RCwchill | |
wchillTL | 7.4 |
wchillL | -2.4 |
TwchillTL | 04:16 |
TwchillL | at 07:22 on 17 June 2020 |
RCwchillTL | |
| |
wchillYL | 10.1 |
TwchillYL | 05:32 |
MonthWChillL | 7.4 |
MonthWChillLT | 4:16 AM |
| | MonthWChillLD | 17 February |
ByMonthWChillL | 6.2 |
ByMonthWChillLT | at 05:24 on 04 February 2020 |
YearWChillL | 6.3 |
YearWChillLT | 2:21 AM |
| | YearWChillLD | 01 January |
RecentWindChill | 8.0 |
RCRecentWindChill | |
LowWindChillRecordSet | 0 |
| |
TEMPERATURE:- Heat Index |
heatindex | 8.0 |
| |
heatindexH | 41.0 |
TheatindexH | at 14:23 on 30 December 2019 |
heatindexTH | 11.4 |
TheatindexTH | 00:46 |
RCheatindex | |
RCheatindexTH | |
heatindexYH | 19.3 |
TheatindexYH | 12:02 |
MonthHeatIndexH | 40.1 |
MonthHeatIndexHT | 1:46 PM |
| | MonthHeatIndexHD | 04 February |
ByMonthHeatIndexH | 40.1 |
ByMonthHeatIndexHT | at 13:46 on 04 February 2025 |
YearHeatIndexH | 40.1 |
YearHeatIndexHT | 1:46 PM |
| | YearHeatIndexHD | 04 February |
RecentHeatIndex | 8.0 |
RCRecentHeatIndex | |
HighHeatIndexRecordSet | 0 |
| |
chillhours | 602.0 |
cooldegdays | 0.0 |
cooldegdays | 0.0 |
cooldegdaysY | 0.0 |
heatdegdays | 2.1 |
heatdegdaysY | 4.4 |
IsFreezing | 0 |
wetbulb | 6.8 |
THSWindex | 6.7 |
THWindex | 8.0 |
LeafTemp1 | |
LeafTemp2 | |
ExtraTemp1 | - |
ExtraTemp2 | - |
ExtraTemp3 | - |
ExtraTemp4 | - |
ExtraTemp5 | - |
ExtraTemp6 | - |
ExtraTemp7 | - |
ExtraTemp8 | - |
ExtraTemp9 | - |
ExtraTemp10 | - |
SoilTemp1 | 15.6 |
SoilTemp2 | -59.4 |
SoilTemp3 | - |
SoilTemp4 | - |
dew | 5.5 |
RCdew | |
RecentDewPoint | 5.5 |
RCRecentDewPoint | |
DEW:- Low - High |
dewpointTL | 4.4 |
dewpointTH | 7.0 |
TdewpointTL | 04:05 |
TdewpointTH | 00:04 |
RCdewpointTL | |
RCdewpointTH | |
dewpointYL | 5.0 |
dewpointYH | 10.5 |
TdewpointYL | 04:31 |
TdewpointYH | 14:41 |
MonthDewPointL | 4.4 |
MonthDewPointH | 23.4 |
MonthDewPointLT | 4:05 AM |
MonthDewPointHT | 10:06 AM |
MonthDewPointLD | 17 February |
MonthDewPointHD | 04 February |
ByMonthDewPointL | -0.8 |
ByMonthDewPointH | 23.6 |
ByMonthDewPointLT | at 13:20 on 03 February 2020 |
ByMonthDewPointHT | at 14:25 on 22 February 2024 |
YearDewPointL | 4.4 |
YearDewPointH | 23.4 |
YearDewPointLT | 4:05 AM |
YearDewPointHT | 10:06 AM |
YearDewPointLD | 17 February |
YearDewPointHD | 04 February |
dewpointL | -3.9 |
dewpointH | 23.8 |
TdewpointL | at 13:51 on 25 September 2021 |
TdewpointH | at 12:27 on 28 January 2022 |
LowDewPointRecordSet | 0 |
HighDewPointRecordSet | 0 |
DEW:- Extra |
ExtraDP1 | - |
ExtraDP2 | - |
ExtraDP3 | - |
ExtraDP4 | - |
ExtraDP5 | - |
ExtraDP6 | - |
ExtraDP7 | - |
ExtraDP8 | - |
ExtraDP9 | - |
ExtraDP10 | - |
hum | 84 |
inhum | 52 |
RChum | |
RCinhum | |
RecentHumidity | 84 |
HumidityRecordSet | 0 |
HUMIDITY:- Low - High |
humTL | 70 |
humTH | 85 |
ThumTL | 00:45 |
ThumTH | 04:55 |
humYL | 47 |
humYH | 76 |
ThumYL | 11:45 |
ThumYH | 23:26 |
MonthHumL | 29 |
MonthHumH | 99 |
MonthHumLT | 3:34 PM |
MonthHumHT | 9:19 AM |
MonthHumLD | 04 February |
MonthHumHD | 12 February |
ByMonthHumL | 16 |
ByMonthHumH | 99 |
ByMonthHumLT | at 13:33 on 03 February 2024 |
ByMonthHumHT | at 09:19 on 12 February 2025 |
YearHumL | 29 |
YearHumH | 99 |
YearHumLT | 3:34 PM |
YearHumHT | 1:21 PM |
YearHumLD | 04 February |
YearHumHD | 12 January |
humL | 10 |
humH | 100 |
ThumL | at 16:04 on 30 January 2020 |
ThumH | at 12:41 on 28 March 2020 |
LowHumidityRecordSet | 0 |
HighHumidityRecordSet | 0 |
HUMIDITY:- Extra |
ExtraHum1 | - |
ExtraHum2 | - |
ExtraHum3 | - |
ExtraHum4 | - |
ExtraHum5 | - |
ExtraHum6 | - |
ExtraHum7 | - |
ExtraHum8 | - |
ExtraHum9 | - |
ExtraHum10 | - |
windunit | km/h |
| |
bearing | 0 |
avgbearing | 281 |
BearingRangeFrom | 280 |
BearingRangeTo | 282 |
BearingRangeFrom10 | 280 |
BearingRangeTo10 | 290 |
domwindbearing | 236 |
domwindbearingY | 186 |
bearingTM | 213 |
bearingYM | 166 |
currentwdir | - |
wdir | W |
RecentWindDir | 0 |
domwinddir | SW |
domwinddir | SW |
domwinddirY | S |
RecentWindAvgDir | 281 |
| |
WIND:- Speed |
beaufort | F1 |
Tbeaufort | F2 |
beaufortnumber | 1 |
Tbeaufortnumber | 2 |
beaudesc | Light air |
Tbeaudesc | Light breeze |
Ybeaufort | F4 |
Ybeaufortnumber | 4 |
Ybeaudesc | Moderate breeze |
| |
wlatest | 0.0 |
RCwlatest | |
RecentWindLatest | 0.0 |
RCRecentWindLatest | |
wspeed | 1.6 |
RCwspeed | |
RecentWindSpeed | 1.6 |
RCRecentWindSpeed | |
windTM | 8.0 |
TwindTM | 00:23 |
windYM | 22.5 |
TwindYM | 16:06 |
MonthWindH | 30.6 |
MonthWindHT | 6:29 PM |
MonthWindHD | 04 February |
| |
ByMonthWindH | 32.2 |
ByMonthWindHT | at 04:10 on 19 February 2020 |
YearWindH | 32.2 |
YearWindHT | 3:03 PM |
| | YearWindHD | 03 January |
wspeedH | 40.2 |
TwspeedH | at 06:10 on 31 August 2024 |
HighWindSpeedRecordSet | 0 |
HighWindSpeedAlarm | 0 |
WindRecordSet | 0 |
| |
WIND:- Gust |
wgust | 4.8 |
RCwgust | |
RecentWindGust | 4.8 |
RCRecentWindGust | |
wgustTM | 19.3 |
TwgustTM | 00:29 |
RCwgustTM | |
| |
wgustYM | 45.1 |
TwgustYM | 16:00 |
MonthGustH | 61.2 |
MonthGustHT | 6:22 PM |
| | MonthGustHD | 04 February |
ByMonthGustH | 64.4 |
ByMonthGustHT | at 03:42 on 19 February 2020 |
gustM | 91.7 |
TgustM | at 18:10 on 21 November 2019 |
HighWindGustRecordSet | 0 |
HighWindGustAlarm | 0 |
WIND:- Run |
windrununit | km |
windrun | 18.9 |
windrunY | 304.6 |
windrunH | 1632.0 |
MonthWindRunH | 326.9 |
MonthWindRunHD | 08 February |
ByMonthWindRunH | 430.4 |
ByMonthWindRunHT | on 19 February 2020 |
YearWindRunH | 326.9 |
YearWindRunHD | 08 February |
windrunH | 1632.0 |
TwindrunH | on 11 December 2022 |
HighWindrunRecordSet | 0 |
| |
WIND:- Graphs |
WindRoseData | Array | WindRosePoints | 16 |
WindSampleCount | 3600 |
wdirdata | Array not required |
wspddata | Array not required | nextwindindex | 3303 |
IsRaining | 0 |
MinutesSinceLastRainTip | 2210 |
LastRainTipTime | 2025-02-15 16:40 |
LastRainTip | 2025-02-15 16:40 |
LastRainTipISO | 2025-02-15 16:40 |
| |
StormRain | 0.0 |
vpstormrain | 0.0 |
StormRainStart | ----- |
vpstormrainstart | ----- |
RAIN:- Rate |
rrate | 0.0 |
RCrrate | |
rrateTM | 0.0 |
TrrateTM | 00:00 |
RCrrateTM | |
rrateYM | 0.0 |
rrateYM | 0.0 |
TrrateYM | 00:00 |
MonthRainRateH | 38.2 |
MonthRainRateHT | 1:27 PM |
| | MonthRainRateHD | 15 February |
ByMonthRainRateH | 281.0 |
ByMonthRainRateHT | at 06:50 on 21 February 2024 |
YearRainRateH | 198.6 |
YearRainRateHT | 12:28 PM |
| | YearRainRateHD | 12 January |
rrateM | 281.0 |
TrrateM | at 06:50 on 21 February 2024 |
HighRainRateRecordSet | 0 |
HighRainRateAlarm | 0 |
RAIN:- Hourly |
rainunit | mm |
rfall | 0.0 |
RCrfall | |
rhour | 0.0 |
HighHourlyRainRecordSet | 0 |
rmidnight | 0.0 |
r24hour | 0.0 |
| |
hourlyrainTH | 0.0 |
ThourlyrainTH | 00:00 |
RAIN:- Daily |
RecentRainToday | 0.0 |
RCRecentRainToday | |
rfallY | 0.0 |
| |
hourlyrainYH | 0.0 |
ThourlyrainYH | 00:00 |
RG11RainToday | 0.0 |
RG11RainYest | 0.0 |
HighDailyRainRecordSet | 0 |
HighRainTodayAlarm | 0 |
RAIN:- Monthly |
rmonth | 28.6 |
| |
rfallmH | 208.2 |
TrfallmH | October 2022 |
MonthHourlyRainH | 8.2 |
MonthHourlyRainHT | 3:49 PM |
ByMonthHourlyRainH | 33.4 |
ByMonthHourlyRainHT | at 09:11 on 21 February 2024 |
MonthDailyRainH | 20.4 |
MonthDailyRainHD | 15 February |
ByMonthDailyRainH | 108.2 |
ByMonthDailyRainHT | on 21 February 2024 |
ByMonthMonthlyRainH | 131.2 |
ByMonthMonthlyRainHT | February 2024 |
MonthLongestDryPeriod | 10 |
MonthLongestDryPeriodD | 09 February |
ByMonthLongestDryPeriod | 11 |
ByMonthLongestDryPeriodT | to 04 February 2024 |
MonthLongestWetPeriod | 3 |
MonthLongestWetPeriodD | 12 February |
ByMonthLongestWetPeriod | 4 |
ByMonthLongestWetPeriodT | to 11 February 2020 |
HighMonthlyRainRecordSet | 0 |
| |
RAIN:- Yearly |
ryear | 65.0 |
| |
YearHourlyRainH | 20.0 |
YearHourlyRainHT | 12:41 PM |
| | YearHourlyRainHD | 12 January |
YearDailyRainH | 23.6 |
YearDailyRainHD | 12 January |
YearMonthlyRainH | 36.4 |
YearMonthlyRainHD | January |
YearLongestDryPeriod | 11 |
YearLongestDryPeriodD | 26 January |
YearLongestWetPeriod | 3 |
YearLongestWetPeriodD | 12 February |
RAIN:- Alltime |
rfallH | 108.2 |
TrfallH | on 21 February 2024 |
rfallhH | 36.4 |
TrfallhH | at 04:56 on 14 August 2020 |
RainRecordSet | 0 |
ConsecutiveDryDays | 1 |
LongestDryPeriod | 19 |
TLongestDryPeriod | to 20 March 2021 |
LongestDryPeriodRecordSet | 0 |
| |
ConsecutiveRainDays | 0 |
| |
LongestWetPeriod | 13 |
TLongestWetPeriod | to 28 December 2020 |
LongestWetPeriodRecordSet | 0 |
| |
RAIN:- Extra |
LeafWetness1 | - |
LeafWetness2 | - |
SoilMoisture1 | 200 |
SoilMoisture2 | 0 |
SoilMoisture3 | - |
SoilMoisture4 | - |
snowdepth | - |
| |
pressunit | hPa |
altimeterpressure | 1019.4 |
press | 1019.7 |
RCpress | |
RecentPressure | 1019.7 |
RCRecentPressure | |
presstrend | Rising slowly |
presstrendenglish | Rising |
presstrendval | 0.0 |
PressureRecordSet | 0 |
PRESSURE:- Low - High |
pressTL | 1019.2 |
pressTH | 1019.8 |
RCpressTL | |
RCpressTH | |
TpressTL | 00:11 |
TpressTH | 05:14 |
pressYL | 1005.4 |
pressYH | 1019.4 |
TpressYL | 00:00 |
TpressYH | 23:53 |
MonthPressL | 997.9 |
MonthPressH | 1022.3 |
MonthPressLT | 3:19 AM |
MonthPressHT | 9:34 AM |
MonthPressLD | 14 February |
MonthPressHD | 01 February |
ByMonthPressL | 983.6 |
ByMonthPressH | 1033.8 |
ByMonthPressLT | at 01:52 on 03 February 2023 |
ByMonthPressHT | at 01:19 on 22 February 2023 |
YearPressL | 993.1 |
YearPressH | 1028.9 |
YearPressLT | 6:00 PM |
YearPressHT | 9:22 AM |
YearPressLD | 15 January |
YearPressHD | 18 January |
pressL | 980.2 |
pressH | 1042.1 |
TpressL | at 05:56 on 30 August 2024 |
TpressH | at 10:14 on 04 July 2024 |
LowPressureRecordSet | 0 |
HighPressureRecordSet | 0 |
LowPressAlarm | 0 |
HighPressAlarm | 0 |
PressChangeDownAlarm | 0 |
PressChangeUpAlarm | 0 |
dawn | 06:04 |
dusk | 20:37 |
sunrise | 06:33 |
sunset | 20:08 |
daylength | 13:35 |
daylightlength | 14:33 |
tomorrowdaylength | There will be 2min 39s less daylight tomorrow |
moonrise | 21:59 |
moonset | 10:52 |
MoonAge | 18 |
MoonPercent | -84 |
MoonPercentAbs | 84 |
moonphase | Waning Gibbous |
IsSunny | 0 |
IsSunUp | 0 |
isdaylight | 0 |
Light | 0.0 |
SolarRad | 0 |
CurrentSolarMax | 0 |
solarTH | 0 |
TsolarTH | 00:00 |
solarYH | 1234 |
TsolarYH | 12:49 |
SunshineHours | 0.0 |
YSunshineHours | 7.3 |
RecentSolarRad | 0 |
| |
ET | 0.05 |
UV | 0.0 |
UVTH | 0.0 |
TUVTH | 00:00 |
UVYH | 7.9 |
TUVYH | 13:54 |
RecentUV | 0.0 |
RCRecentUV | |
cloudbase | 316 m |
cloudbaseunit | m |
cloudbasevalue | 316 |
| |
WXsoftware | CU |
ProgramUpTime | 3 days 14 hours |
version | 4.3.3 |
build | 4070 |
forum | Forum |
webcam | Webcam |
location | Beaumaris Weather |
Altitude (Above Sea Level) | 18 m |
latitude | S 41° 25' 44" |
longitude | E 148° 16' 18" |
latitudedms | S 41° 25' 44" |
longitudedms | E 148° 16' 18" |
latitudedp6 | -41.428889 |
longitudedp6 | 148.271667 |
realtimeinterval | 30 |
interval | 5 |
rollovertime | midnight |
graphperiod | 72 |
recordsbegandate | 01 November 2019 |
DaysSinceRecordsBegan | 1935 |
DaysSince30Dec1899 | 45705.2291695061 |
RecentTS | 17/02/2025 5:30:00 AM |
cumulusforecast | Fine weather |
cumulusforecastenc | Fine weather |
forecast | Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours. |
wsforecast | Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours. |
wsforecastenc | Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours. |
forecastenc | Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours. |
forecastnumber | 2 |
currcond | |
currcondenc | |
LastDataReadT | 17/02/2025 5:30:00 AM |
update | 17/02/2025 5:30:00 AM |
newrecord | 0 |
DataStopped | 0 |
SensorContactLost | 0 |
ErrorLight | 0 |
LatestError | |
LatestErrorTime | ------ |
LatestErrorDate | ------ |
LatestNOAAMonthlyReport | NOAAMO0225.txt |
LatestNOAAYearlyReport | NOAAYR2025.txt |
AllocatedMemory | 188.89 MB |
MemoryStatus | 24,990/32,687 MB (free/total) |
CpuCount | 8 |
CpuName:- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8809G CPU @ 3.10GHz |
DiskFree | 1.58 TB |
DiskSize | 1.81 TB |
DisplayMode | 1920x1080 |
OsLanguage | English |
OsVersion | Microsoft Windows 10.0.26100 |
SystemUpTime | 3 days 14 hours |
stationtype | Davis Vantage Pro2 (6163AU) |
DavisFirmwareVersion | 3.88 |
DavisMaxInARow | 662 |
DavisNumberOfResynchs | 0 |
DavisNumCRCerrors | 79 |
DavisTotalPacketsMissed | 117 |
DavisTotalPacketsReceived | 6590 |
battery | 4.11 |
txbattery | 1-ok 2-ok 3-ok 4-ok 5-ok 6-ok 7-ok 8-ok |
txbattery channel=1 | ok |
txbattery channel=2 | ok |
txbattery channel=3 | ok |
txbattery channel=4 | ok |
txbattery channel=5 | ok |
txbattery channel=6 | ok |
txbattery channel=7 | ok |
txbattery channel=8 | ok |