Realtime Data - in Field Order

Field Data Item Value Field Data Item Value
0 date (always dd/mm/yy) 27/04/24 29 time of today's low temp (hh:mm) 04:17
1 time (always hh:mm:ss) 21:42:01 30 today's high wind speed (average km/h) 12.9
2 outside temperature (deg C) 12.2 31 time of today's high wind speed (average) 10:56
3 relative humidity (%) 80 32 today's high wind gust (km/h) 20.9
4 dewpoint (deg C) 8.9 33 time of today's high wind gust (hh:mm) 10:14
5 wind speed (average km/h) 3.2 34 today's high pressure (hPa) 1024.0
6 latest wind speed reading (km/h) 6.4 35 time of today's high pressure (hh:mm) 08:46
7 wind bearing (degrees) 337 36 today's low pressure (hPa) 1020.1
8 current rain rate (mm per hour) 0.0 37 time of today's low pressure (hh:mm) 14:53
9 rain today (0.0 mm) 0.0 38 Cumulus version 4.0.0
10 barometer (hPa) 1023.0 39 Cumulus build number 4019
11 current wind direction (cardinal) NNW 40 10 - minute high gust (km/h) 14.5
12 beaufort Number 1 41 heat index (deg C) 12.2
13 wind units - m/s, mph, km/h, kts km/h 42 humidex (deg C) 13.0
14 temperature units - degree C, F C 43 UV Index 0.0
15 pressure units - mb, hPa, in hPa 44 evapotranspiration today 1.98
16 rain units - mm, in mm 45 solar radiation W/m2 0
17 wind run (today - km) 97.2 46 10 - minute average wind bearing (degrees) 309
18 pressure trend value (hPa/hr) 0.3 47 rainfall last hour (mm) 0.0
19 monthly rainfall (mm) 51.6 48 forecast number 2
20 yearly rainfall (mm) 221.8 49 station in daylight (1 = yes, 0 = No) 0
21 yesterday's rainfall (mm) 0.0 50 FO station lost contact (1 = Yes, 0 = No) --
22 inside temperature (deg C) 22.3 51 Average wind direction (cardinal) NW
23 inside humidity (%) 55 52 Cloud base (m) 417
24 wind chill (deg C) 12.2 53 Cloud base units m
25 temperature trend value (deg C) -0.0 54 Apparent Temperature (deg C) 11.3
26 today's high temp (deg C) 21.0 55 Sunshine hours so far today 7.0
27 time of today's high temp (hh:mm) 15:05 56 Current theoretical max solar radiation W/m2 0
28 today's low temp (deg C) 7.3 57 Is sun shining? (1 = yes, 0 = No) 0
Additional Fields added by realtime-x
Field Data Item Value Field Data Item Value
58 today's high humidity (%) 96 75 time of today's high UV 11:34
59 today's low humidity (%) 59 76 today's max rain rate (mm/hr) 0.0
60 time of today's high humidity 08:04 77 Rain in last 24 Hours 0.0
61 time of today's low humidity 13:58 78 Storm Rain 0.0
62 today's high dewpoint 14.1 79 Minutes Since Last Rain Tip 3834
63 today's low dewpoint 6.3 80 station forecast Mostly clear with little temperature change.
64 time of today's high dewpoint 09:49 81 time of today's sunrise 06:50
65 time of today's low dewpoint 04:17 82 time of today's sunset 17:18
66 today's high apparent temp 21.1 83 time of today's monnrise 18:54
67 today's low apparent temp 5.5 84 time of today's moonset 10:08
68 time today's high apptemp 14:05 85 moon age (days) 19
69 time today's low apptemp 04:17 86 moon percent visible -88
70 today's low wchill 7.3 87 moon percent visible (absolute) 88
71 time of today's low wchill 04:17 88 moon phase Waning Gibbous
72 today's high solar 677 89 temperature trend value Falling
73 time of today's high solar 10:47 90 pressure trend value Rising
74 today's high UV 2.8 91 ** Beaufort description Light air
(Gray items not supported on this station) v3.1