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Logo Onsite Forecast Comparison Pages - Updated


Posted on 13th May 2023

Please Read below post for more detail, we have updated the WxSim Onsite Forecast Pages and the new Menu is as per the image below :

Onsite Forecast Comparison Pages have been Updated. As we compile more data, WxSim Compare vs Actual Page Scripts needed to be modified in order to function slightly quiker.

Our Database has been growing and as a result page load times started getting slower, so we have modified the MySql scripts and the PHP / JS / etc in order to load them quicker.

Main Site Page : (Note: it may pay to clear your Browser Cache prior to loading the pages below).
Can be accessed using the Menu link shown below.

Note A stand alone page of the above Table format is also available here :

Note: An additional Graph based page of same data is also availabe here :

This information is automatically generated, is not quality controlled and may not update in a timely manner. You accept all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this site and any information or material available from it. Tide data is not to be used for the purpose of port operation or general navigation..

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