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Logo WxSim GFS and European ECMWF model Mix - Updated


Posted on 28th Dec 2022

Our onsite Forecasting Software WxSim, we have now engaged both GFS and European ECMWF model Data Mix of 50/50% on Dec 27th 2022. Time will tell how this new feature performs, monitor our Forecast v Actual Comparison pages.
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 80% and  GFS 20% on Apr 30th 2023.
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 55% and  GFS 45% on Oct 21st 2023.
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 50% and  GFS 50% on Oct 27th 2023.
After much testing, I determined that GFS Model was producing better results than ECMWF. Another factor was the fact I re-run Forecasts every 3 hrs, which means every other run includes old ECMWF Data. So it was affecting the forecast.
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 10% and  GFS 90% on Oct 29th 2023.
After much more testing and analysis I ended inclusion of ECMWF Mix (For Now).
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 0% and  GFS 100% on Nov 13th 2023.
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 50% and  GFS 50% on Oct 05th 2024.

Yet another disasterouse result with mixing GFS and ECMWF, I am afraid it's the last time I'll betrying ECMWF. I seriously feel there is either something very wrong with the McMahon ECMWF data supplied for my location or ECMWF just can't forecast close for the Southern Hemisphere. However I am leaning toward McMahon data as even when I view forecast for ECMWF vs GFS on Windy they are very close !!
Adjusted to Mix ECMWF 0% and  GFS 0% on Oct 10th 2024.

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